Keepwin 2D12 reciprocating compressor operation test
2020-05-26 23:13:00
To ensure the quality of the compressor. Ensure that the instruments meet the requirements of customers。
After the Keepwin compressor is assembled. We will invite the customer to join in the operation test.We will record the parameters for four hours.
Time | Lubricate oil pressure before Filter | Lubricate oil pressure after Filter | Bearing temperature | Left cylinder temp ˚C | Right cylinder temp ˚C | Ambient temp ˚C | Lubri-Oil temp ˚C | Left cylinder piston-rod temp ˚C | Right cylinder piston rod temp ˚C | Crankshaft speed | Motor current A | Supply voltage V |
Due to the coronavirus-2019.Our oversea customer can not come to our factory to join the operate test.We made a operation test vedio for our customer.Aslo we will send the record data to our customers.